Application for Consent

In order to begin the consent process, individuals should email the NAPBoard office to review the feasibilty of what they propose providing the location of the subject land and the Roll Number so staff can research the site history.  Each propert subject in a request for severance is considered under its own merits. 

Property in the Municipality of Powassan will be reviewed against the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw regulations.

Property in the unincorporated townships of East Mills, Hardy, McConkey, Patterson, Pringle and Wilson might be subject to a deemed Zoning Bylaw via a Minister of MMAH Order. Other land related issues are reviewed for feasibility of creating a new lot(s). 

The NAPBoard has guiding principles that indicate new lots created on land located in the unincorporated townships should be a minimum of 1 ha (2.47 acres) with 60m frontage on a full time maintained road. Legal access by permanent easement may be contemplated.  The NAPBoard has a principle that requires there be a maximum of 2 new lots from an original concession lot within a 15 year period, or from a property either created by or retained from a Consent process, another severance should not be contemplated within a 15 year period. The 15 year period is determined from the date of the most recent severance.

A request for a Consent under Section 53 of the Planning Act for an easement for access to a property that does not have frontage access on a year round maintained road, or a lot addition from an abutting property, can be contemplated outside the 15 year time.

To make an application, the property owner must fill out an Application for Consent (available below in PDF format for printing) and submitted by personal or hired delivery or Canada Post mail to the Planning Board office. 

If a pre-consultaton meeting is wished, the draft Consent application must be submitted to the NAPBoard for review by staff prior to the pre-consultation meeting.

Applicants may also wish to consult with a solicitor for legal advice or a professional Planner, before making a an application for a Consent.

To discuss your proposal with staff please call 705-724-6758.

The Consent Application package MUST BE COMPLETE when it is submitted, and MUST contain:

The original Consent Application Form, in single page format, with the signatures commissioned (Section 12 last page).

A application sketch must be prepared by a surveyor or qualified draftsperson in 8.5 x 11" size, that depicts the parcel to be severed, the full retained parcel and location of the property within the adjacent area. Any existing buildings must be depicted with setback measurements from any other building(s) and the proposed lot lines. Easements must be depicted along the entire length and width.

Consents to re-establish an original 100 acre concession lot or an existing parcel may be depicted on a map from other sources.

The application fee (see Schedule of Fees). [payable ONLY by cheque or money order]The application fee is non-refundable except as set out in Schedule A of the NAPBoard Financial By-law.

Documentation from applicable agencies noted in the applicaton form MUST BE INCLUDED with the application in order that it can be deemed complete.

Important Notes:

Application Item 4.8  SEWAGE DISPOSAL

New lots proposed on property fronting on a lake deemed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to be at capacity for phosphorus load, will require a size that will provide a minimum 300m (1000 ft) setback for a Class 4 septic system. The North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCa) can provide information in this regard. At this time, the lakes located in the jurisdiction of the NAPBoard that are deemed to be at capacity for phosphorus load are: Commanda (Pringle Twp), Restoule (Patterson Twp), Watt (Patterson Twp) Wilson (Wilson Twp).

Application Item 5.3 USE OR FEATURE

There may be other locations that have environmental issues.

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) requires MDS work sheets to be prepared for lands located within 750m of a new lot. The MDS review can be done by NAPBoard Members who are trained for this task. [See Fees Schedule]

Application Item 10 AFFDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION - Signature of the applicant(s) and commissioned by a Notary Public or Commissioner of Oaths.** 

Application Item 11 AUTHORIZATION - The applicant(s) may appoint a person as their agent to process the application.


The cost of any required studies, planning consultation or legal opinions are at the expense of the applicant(s).


Application for Consent Download PDF

Permission to Enter Form Download PDF

Checklist re Complete Application  Download PDF

*  a fee is charged for a pre-consultation meeting as outlined in the schedule of fees.

** the commissioner of oaths might require a fee.

IMPORTANT: A Consent application will only be assigned to a Public Meeting date once it is deemed complete by staff  and issuance of the statutory Notice of Meeting may therefore be issued.

The Consent application will be put to a statutory public meeting to provide the opportunity for public comment according to the provisions of the Planning Act. Generally, the NAPBoard will reserve its decision on the request pending a planning report on the request and response to any questions received at the statutory public meeting, and the matter returned to the next scheduled public meeting after the planning report is available.

The NAPBoard at its sole discretion, may opt to issue its Notice of Decision without referral for the Planning Report and return to a future meeting for disposition.
